So… this is at least in part a blog about my lap band, right? I’ve been remiss about that lately and that’s got to change.
I’ve gained weight in every challenge I’ve ever done, including the before Chicago one and I’ve only gained more since then. I’m not talking thousands of pounds – but still… I am slowing trickling in the wrong directly vs heading steadily in the right direction.
I’ve just gotten complacent – I can totally see how people fail with this thing. At least for me – it’s never affected my hunger levels and I think it’s easy for me to say – waaaaa, poor me and ignore the things it does do for me. It does not let me eat a whole pizza – most of the time. it’s true that it takes big vacations and I have no doubt I could, in fact, eat a whole pizza some days – whereas other days I couldn’t eat more than a bite without getting stuck to high heaven. And the number of days where I can eat way too much are much, much fewer than the days where the band says – uh… yeah, you should stop now. The other thing it does for me – most of the time – is tell me I should stop eating now. It’s the listening to that – that’s the problem for me.
This weekend I had my normal chai latte and then went to work in the basement – I got tons done down there – it’s almost the lovely room I envisioned when we finished the basement – but at about 2pm I was STARVED!!! I headed upstairs and for some strange reason decided I wanted a grilled cheese sandwich. I haven’t had one of those in forever…. Years. Anyway, I made myself one (with swiss cheese) knowing I probably wasn’t going to be able to eat more than a bite or two. But nope. I had no problem scarfing it right down. Like seriously. It was a sandwich. There were 2 pieces of bread – with cheese in the middle. Not one little problem. But… you know what? I know better than that all by myself.
So… starting right now – I’m going to be talking a lot more about my band – and life with it. I’m doing the 5 day pouch test this week which helps my brain remember that I am, in fact, in control of my choices. And I’m committing to you all, here and now, that I will get on the treadmill at least three times this week for at least 30 minutes each time. I’m starting slowly, with the hope of working up from there. I’ve been totally sucking at the working out thing which is really annoying to me because I actually really like to work out. So we’ll start slowly and work from there.
There you have it!
Happy Halloween!!
edited to add: I just ate some SF jello (on the pouch test) and I swear I had a hard time getting it down. How can I have no problem eating a grilled cheese sandwich one day and have a hard time eating JELLO!!! the next???
edited to add: I just ate some SF jello (on the pouch test) and I swear I had a hard time getting it down. How can I have no problem eating a grilled cheese sandwich one day and have a hard time eating JELLO!!! the next???